Warhammer Fest 2021 Day 5 - Warhammer 40,000

During the lead-up to Warhammer Fest we saw a number of graphics hinting at what we'd get to see during this week. So, as long as these hints continued to be accurate then it meant for tonight's Warhammer 40,000 reveal night we'd be seeing some Orks. The closer the time got, the less subtle their hints got! Waaarghh! So, the night started off with an Ork-y video introducing the beast snaggas.
We saw a couple riding squigs and a couple of the other models back in April, but now we got to see the new savage army for starters. From the sounds of it there may be new additions in the near future. One of the coolest minis was a squig with dynamite strapped to it, and being ridden by a snotling. Boom! This army featured Zodgrod Wortsnagga, a character we've not seen since the 2nd Edition, and plenty of crazy cool unit types. There's an Ork Nob on Smasha Squig too.
These will all be available in the Beast Snagga Orks Army Set along with the new Ork codex (it'll be available separately later). This set is a limited edition, but everything in this set will be made available on it's own at a later date as well. They did say it wouldn't be too long before we get to see these on preorder. This means you don't need to give in to the prices that the scalpers will no doubt be selling these for on eBay. Apparently what we were seeing is only 50% of the upcoming Ork releases.
This was then followed by a new Warboss in Mega Armour, and then... Cadia stands!!!
That's right, Games Workshop announced a Cadian upgrade kit that contains new heads and arms.
All that remains now is tomorrow's mystery reveal. Could it be Age of Sigmar v3.0 or The Old World?