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Warhammer Day 2021 Miniatures

23rd Oct 2021

For Warhammer Day 2021, Games Workshop are releasing two special miniatures. The first of these is a Primaris Lieutenant With Storm Shield - because we don't have many Primaris Lieutenants yet, so obviously it's about time we got another. This one looks similar in design to those from the Indomitus boxset, and is standing with one hand on his Storm Shield. As it happens, when the Warhammer Imperium partworks was released in the UK, I customised mine into a very similar pose!



Pre-order Soulblight Gravelords

15th May 2021

Once upon a time, I was an avid collector of the undead. These were the days of the world-that-was in Warhammer, when you could get a big army box filled with skeletons that could be armed in all sorts of ways, and also came with skeleton horses and chariots. I made the mistake of getting rid of them all when I went University, and missed out on releases such as the Tomb Kings and even the first edition of Age of Sigmar. When I returned to the hobby, there wasn't quite the undead I wanted, so I found other miniatures to paint instead, the Seraphon in particular. Now, Games Workshop are reinforcing…

Warhammer Fest 2021 Day 1 - Age of Sigmar

3rd May 2021

Today is the start of Warhammer Fest 2021, the first time it's been virtual due to COVID restrictions on gatherings and events. To kick off the week-long Warhammer celebrations, they've started with Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It all kicked off with the revelation of the 'Conquerors of Undeath' miniatures - the remainder of the Soulblight forces we hadn't yet seen. We've been expecting more vampires since the most recent releases and reveals, and sure enough, Games Workshop have delivered. Death has never looked so good.

Conquerors of Undeath features loads of new characters such as Belladama…