Kickstarter: Redgrass Wet Palette 2

If you're into miniatures, chances are, you also paint them. I've mostly used a dry, ceramic palette for preparing paints on, but a wet palette is something that has interested me for a couple of years. I went as far as buying an Army Painter one, but so far have not dared to try it. I've heard people say that the water can start smelling off pretty quickly, and that doesn't sound pleasant at all. I did then hear though that some are designed to prevent that, I believe using copper or something similar as an anti-microbial. Around this time I got an email from Kickstarter suggesting I'd be interested in the 'Redgrass Wet Palette 2'. I admit, I'd not heard of the first one, but my knowledge of wet palettes has been very minimal. So my next question was - why is it so special? At that time I had no answer as the Kickstarter wasn't yet open, so I set a reminder to check up on it.
When I received the reminder on the day of it starting, there were already lots of backers, so I had a read. The opening paragraph does stand out:
The best wet palette for miniatures is back, completely transformed with a host of new features. This includes the incredible hydration system. World’s first reusable membrane. Incredible moisturization capacity. Thicker foams. Tightest sealing case. New sizes with up to 20% more painting space. All these features will improve your technical painting performance.
So, it's less likely to leak, and has a reusable membrane - which will be cheaper to keep using, and will also mean it's better for the environment as well as there'll be less waste. That already sounds pretty good to me. They demonstrate washing it and reusing a membrane up to 6x and still being viable. Knowing this, and seeing the quality of the blending on the palette was enough for me to decide to get one - I've backed the Redgrass Wet Palette Painter v2 KS PACK at €37, but there's also other options. You can upgrade your existing version 1 palettes using upgrade kits, or can get quite a variety of different ones, including a Studio XL version.
Some of the big names in painting have reviewed it already, so considering all of this, it's absolutely worthwhile checking out the Redgrass Wet Palette 2 Kickstarter.