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Hobby Fest 2021 - Golden Poxling Winners

By David G. Paul · 16th May 2021 · 2 minutes read

During Nerd Princess' Sunday afternoon stream, the second half was the announcement of the Golden Poxling winners. This is a very different painting competition to what you'd usually see, and is designed to be inclusive. It's not about how well you paint, it's about your ideas and this means everyone can get involved no matter how new to the hobby you are. I think there's something really special about that, and it has more of a community feel to it.

If you go over to the Hobby Fest Instagram account, they've got photos of all the winners, the finalists, and the judges choices. Very impressed with the models they've chosen. They're all so good!

1. Most Creative Use of Colour

I do like this one a lot - the cell shading reminds of Borderlands, which is one of the best RPG videogames around at the minute.It's a style you don't see often in gaming, and even less on the table top. It makes this stand out, and it's special.

2. All About The Base

I think Greenwood Minis has done an amazing job on this. The trees and the foliage look incredible.

The other category winners were:

  1. Kraziest Kitbash - @lentasy for the Karadron deepgitz
  2. The Grim-est Dark - @freewillkeeper for the Archmagos ordinator Tal Harrak
  3. Annoy a Gatekeeper! - @purring_power for her super in focus drop pod (Maybe NSFW)
  4. Best worst face - @damianbron for the night lord guardsman
  5. Make us laugh - @hivefleet_horror for the selfie astronaught
  6. Mad Hatters - @amanda_burglar for the Burberry flatcap ork
  7. Old Skool Cool - @atarikid79 for the Paperbanner ork
  8. Unusual Upcycling - @ozwainerdi for the ‘foot of mork ’ ork Titan

They also had an 11th category for 'Rule 34', but over-18s will need to visit their Discord for that one! I think these are all great winners, and well worth checking out. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to check out the other work the winners have done in the past.