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Kickstarter: Redgrass Wet Palette 2

21st May 2021

If you're into miniatures, chances are, you also paint them. I've mostly used a dry, ceramic palette for preparing paints on, but a wet palette is something that has interested me for a couple of years. I went as far as buying an Army Painter one, but so far have not dared to try it. I've heard people say that the water can start smelling off pretty quickly, and that doesn't sound pleasant at all. I did then hear though that some are designed to prevent that, I believe using copper or something similar as an anti-microbial. Around this time I got an email from Kickstarter suggesting I'd be interested…


21st Apr 2021

Priming before painting is something that most people do. In the 'old days' it was a necessity to make sure that the paint would cover and stick to metal miniatures okay. Most of what people paint now will be either plastic or resin, and in some cases may choose not to prime it first. Personally, I like to prime. I don't think really it's as simple as picking up some spray paint and just spraying it at your model - you need to consider what you're going to do. The colour you prime it with will have an immediae impact on your paintjob - priming it white will make the initial base layers appear…