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Kill Team Game 3 - Aerial Strike

By David G. Paul · 16th Jan 2020 · 4 minutes read

The Death Guard had overrun a war-torn Imperial city, and the Ultramarines kill team 'The Scions of Pluto' were dropping in to reclaim it. There were three objectives for the striking force, and with this Nurgle infestation it would not be enough to hold them - they would need to be burnt. Anything less than a decisive victory would be a win for the heretics. The Scions of Pluto would need to strike hard, and deployed into cover whilst the Death Guard clustered around each objective. Only Occius Oranius, sniper specialist stood alone - perched on the rooftop.

The Death Guard's commander moved first, and charged Sergeant Felix Antius. The Ultramarines didn't do much to respond other than moving into position, whilst their sniper specialist readied his gun. Snipers are lazy. A Death Guard Gunner with blight launcher took potshots at the sniper; but the sniper rolled and saved himself from the shot. When he returned fire he successfully killed his would-be assailant - one of their three specialists. Tactical Gunner Commodus Tarentus then used his over-charged plasma rifle to shoot one of the other gunner specialists, and got lucky! That was two down already, earning the Scions of Pluto two victory points between the two.

This streak came to an end when Cassius Nerius, a Reiver, tried shooting a Pox Walker but was unable to wound it. The Plague Marine's charge of Felix then resulted in the first melee battle of the conflict with the Death Guard getting in the first blow with his devastating power fist. That was all they needed, and Felix was slain swiftly - pulverised into a pulp. The Death Guard had scored their first victory point of the game, with the potential for a further three from the objectives they were defending.

Although the nearby Reaver, Lucius Sulla, wasn't far away, he couldn't avenge his fallen brother. He did however kill the nearby Pox Walker before turning his attention briefly on the objective. These objectives were tough to destroy, and he failed.

In the second round the Scions of Pluto moved first and did so for every round after this. Around half of their number readied for shooting whilst the others adjusted position. A Pox Walker then charged Lucius, and two others moved into cover from the sniper, Occius Oranius. Between the height of the building, and the statues, there was plenty of cover to choose from.

Roboute Guilliman would have been ashamed of the Scions - not one of them could hit and wound their targets. The Death Guard Commander fired his plasma gun at the the nearest scout, killing him instantly. This commander was doing the Nurgle proud… if Nurgle is a being that can ever feel pride.

Reiver Cassius kills one of the two remaining Pox Walkers defending another objective. Meanwhilst, the charging Pox Walker flailed at Lucius and missed even after a re-roll. The Reiver melee'd back, and wounded the Pox Walker. Again, Lucius was unsuccessful in destroying the objective; but the wounded Pox Walker was shaken.

The rounds were now starting to move quicker with less movement, and fewer shots being possible. The Death Guard's commander was able to wound another scout. He shot back; but the canon-fodder wasn't able to scratch the surface of this festering behemoth. Lucius was however able to destroy the first of the objectives to obtain another victory point.

The penultimate round had the Death Guard Commander shooting at the sniper specialist who had just moved into the open; but failed to wound him. The sniper shot back… but missed. Typical. Fortune was favouring the worshippers of Nurgle and their disgusting resilience - not that this resiliance had been successful this far. The melee between Lucius and Pox Walkers continued on but both sides must have had misted lenses - they just couldn't hit each other. Lucius had survived another round of melee; but would now be going into the final round being unable to do anything but continue the fight.

The battle was coming to a close, and there were few options left to play. Two more Death Guard charged Lucius bringing the total up to three pox walkers and a Plague Marine. This wasn't looking good with three of them being able to attack. The sniper tried to shoot the Death Guard commander again; but couldn't wound. That was his downfall - the commander aimed his plasma gun and fired. The sniper was dead. The melee around Lucius raged on and he finally succumbed to the superior numbers. Over on the other side of the board Tarentus killed another Pox Walker with his plasma gun as Cassius was poised to strike the objective.

This was it - the battle was going to be a draw unless Cassius could destroy this objective. An hour long struggle of frequent shifts in fate had come down to the roll of a single dice. He failed, and the Death Guard had a close but glorious victory for Nurgle.


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